1 Month Coaching Method
Weeks 1 & 2
Observe Teaching Styles
Weeks 1 & 2 - Observe Teaching Styles
Take notes of Teachers I will observe as they organically interact with the class up until nap time.
I will be looking for how they:
Interact with children
Help facilitate transitions
Give positive feedback
Say positive affirmations
and Redirect children
Week 3
Personally Lead Class Instruction
Week 3 - Personally Leading Class Instruction
On the second day I will lead the class up until Lunch modeling for the teacher behaviors for the class while they take notes.
Week 4
Discuss feedback with Director, Educational Coordinator, and Teacher
Week 4 - Discuss and give feedback to the Director, Ed Coordinator, and Teacher
The last leg of the session revolves around an open discussion of where teachers needed help implementing the curriculum.
Giving honest feedback on how teachers could better engage and connect with the children.
Finally, truly helping teachers recognize the difference between learning through play and just being allowed to play without direction.